Officer User Specialist I &II
Students will use Microsoft Office 2013 to learn skills in Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, and PowerPoint. Students will use these programs to create different pieces of work that will be part of their portfolio. Students are encouraged to further develop their skills and leadership by being involved in FBLA.
App Design
Write and run your own apps! This STEM class focuses on software design, including low and high-level languages and program writing. It also includes program customization, linking prototype testing, and troubleshooting. This is an entry level course leading to possible future courses such as video game design and digital animation
Video Productions I & II
Students will learn basics of digital film making, how to compose and shoot images with a video camera, use movie-style techniques to put together a sequence of shots and learn how to edit their movie. Advanced students will use special software to build on their skills and work on short movie projects, TV commercials, music videos and training films and documentaries.